Hendrick's Gin and Katz's Delicatessen Gin-inspired pickled cucumbers
What does unusual gin from Scotland have in common with a deli in the Lower East Side of Manhattan? Cucumbers! What started as an outlandish April Fool’s joke, has now become a reality...
Pickles, which of course are just cucumbers in another form, are a staple of Katz’s Delicatessen, and cucumbers are one of the two key essences that make HENDRICK’S GIN unlike any other (along with Bulgarian rose).
Although Katz’s has been pickling since Benjamin Harrison was president, they never considered brining pickles with gin botanicals.
Indeed no one has.
We began with the idea of marrying the attributes of Katz’s legendary half-sour pickle with the botanical profile of our gin. Master Distiller, Ms. Lesley Gracie collaborated with Katz’s owner and chief pickle auteur, Jake Dell through a lengthy transatlantic process of refinement and experimentation. The two landed on a brine that featured gin standard juniper and cubeb berries, with an additional emphasis on coriander – a botanical shared by both Katz’s pickles and HENDRICK’S GIN.
The resulting pickle (some might call it a ‘super pickle’) goes beautifully with a pastrami sandwich and is surprisingly divine as a gin cocktail garnish, yielding a new world in which pickles can taste like gin and gin can taste like pickles.
Our certain-to-sell-out, limited-edition Gin-Inspired Pickles may be acquired via katzsdelicatessen.com commencing the 27th of September. To remain au currant as to our upcoming pipeline of gin-inspired pickled products, follow #HendricksKatzsPickles
When life gives you cucumbers, pickle them
...then make cocktails.
What happens when two cucumber connoisseurs — HENDRICK’S and Katz’s Delicatessen — rendezvous? Pickles delightfully infused with gin botanicals. The brine from the curious cucurbits adds an alluring aroma and marvelous tang to this trio of perfectly pickled potables.