In soothing contrast to the ever-expanding maelstrom of choices of conventional streaming platforms, we offer a tranquil alternative, devised to remind viewers that peace and calm still exists if only you know where to look for it.
May our streams be a splendid counterpoint to the commonplace.
Much like our gin.
Moonbathers, rejoice! This thrilling masterpiece draws attention toward the heavens, where curious connoisseurs know all of the best action takes place. Look skyward and rapture in the moonlight no matter the time, whether the mood strikes but once in a blue moon or quite often, this slice of moonlit magic is here to stay.
Absolutely astounding! I was blown away by this interstellar masterpiece, allowing me to enjoy my favorite nocturnal activity at all times. Carpe Noctem, I say!
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This heroic mission makes for an even more magnificent journey when accompanied by a bit of celestial magic in the form of a HENDRICK’S Lunar Cosmic Cooler. Look up to the skies, but be sure not to spill even a drop.
view recipeA dramatic (yet not overdramatic) cliffhanger that follows impulsive rivulets of water and the rough-hewn stones that lust after them.
“This stream had me at hello. I must say, that one fern took me completely by surprise. By the end it became my favorite character. I advise everyone to watch this all the way through. The ending is worth it!”
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cocktail recipe
This classic thriller goes swimmingly with the refreshing taste of a HENDRICK’S Rickey.
Be sure to savor, so you have something to sip during the final twist.
This gripping documentary explores what happens when a series of culverts find themselves forced together in the same low-lying valley.
“After a stressful day, I sat down, prepared to watch a dystopian science fiction series about a world where everyone shares the same brain, but instead I chose this – and I am glad I did!
I noticed my toes uncurling with the first sound of water. Within ten minutes, I was more relaxed than I’d been in months. I cannot wait to re-watch. Spoiler Alert: the mossy rock moves ever-so-slightly.”
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cocktail recipe
Our staff suggest this film be accompanied by the crisp delight of a Cucumber Lemonade.
All except for Zelda, who advises a martini (she always advises a martini).
This science fiction slow burner follows three sisters who find themselves on the same planet with the same shocking mission... or it could be about three flowers.
“OMG, I was so taken by this film, I memorized everything that happens and then watched it all over again. I stayed up half the night immersed in its subtle charms. Then I slept like a baby!”
hendrick’s gin
The original HENDRICK’S GIN, deliciously infused with Rose and Cucumber.
buy now